
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Farewell Assembly 送別会 8月7日(木)

信愛の学校紹介ビデオ、お香のプレゼント(プレゼンター: 内田さん)
寺西さん、上田さん、中山さんのスピーチ、ソーラン節 (桐村さん
による説明) の披露をしました。中山さんは、日本語によるスピーチも

We have only two days left at Lowther Hall. A farewell assembly was held for us.
We saw Shin-ai promotion video first, and then Nana gave the principal a present, incense.
Ayui, Yui Ueda and Yui Nakayama made farewell speeches. Especially, Nakayama san 
made one part of her speech in Japanese. Lastly, we danced Soran dancing 
after Rie explained about it. Teachers and students at Lowther Hall said 
they did very well!!!

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